Saturday, March 10, 2007

Federer vs. Sampras II

Nope, this isn't going to be another essay on that (tiresome) debate on which of the two great tennis players is greater. Just news that Federer revealed that he got to practice with Sampras for two days(!) in the latter's Beverly Hills home in the lead-up to the Indian Wells Masters Series.

Well, I knew I was coming to L.A., so I'm kind of thinking, who's around in L.A.? So, I rang up Pete and said, "Any chance?" He was like, "Yeah, sure." I'm totally excited. So right away I had the idea, anyway seeing how good he plays because he was one of my favorite players, when I was growing up and beating him in his backyard in Wimbledon was so special to me. I wanted to try to -- I wanted to beat him in his house. So it was very enjoyable to actually hit with him. It would be kind of cool to maybe play an exhibition against him. We'll see. But he was playing very well.

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